The object of this game is for all players to travel around the village and return safely back home. (All players win when everyone returns safely.)
SET UPShuffle Fortune cards and place them face down on the board. Each player's marker starts on the colored square in front of his house. Each player start with TWO of EACH commodity. Remaining commodities should be placed on the field which produces them:
Except for the 2 allotted to each player
during PLAYA single die is used to indicate the number of squares to move. The die moves from player to player. Only the player whose turn it is (the one who currently has the die) will move her marker. ROMAN ROADIf a player lands on the intersection with the Roman Road, that player will have to travel TEN squares along the Roman Road (carrying the solider's pack a mile). After travelling the ten squares along the road, you can get off the Roman Road either way. It is possible for this detour to become a shortcut. FORTUNE CARDSIf any player lands on a purple square at the end of his move, he draws one Fortune card. Fortune cards apply to ALL PLAYERS in the village, unless the card says otherwise.
If the Fortune card requires players
If a player cannot meet the demand
of a Fortune card, that player is
out of the game.
BUT see the section on If you run out of Fortune cards, they can be reshuffled and reused. DEALSPlayers may trade, loan, or give away commodities in order to keep all the players alive. Deals can be made on any turn. They can be made when a Fortune card is drawn in order to meet the demand of the card. Remember that the Torah encourages loans but frowns on charging interest. |
Game board![]() [++] (Full size) A single die is used with the game. Game pieces
A dozen of each commodity should
be available for use in the game.
(See Fortune cardsThe following fortunes may be drawn:
It is the grain harvest.
The wheat farmer gets all the bread cards
on the wheat field.
It is the grape harvest.
The vineyard owner gets all the wine cards
which are on the vineyard.
It is the olive harvest.
The olive grower gets all the olive oil
cards on the olive grove.
It is sheep-shearing time.
The shepherd gets all the woolen cloth
from the pasture.
Tax time: Give up any 1 commodity card
to pay the Jewish temple tax.
Tax time: Give up any 2 commodity cards
to pay the Roman tax.
The player who drew this card is ill
– and will miss the next turn.
The Romans have just appointed
a dishonest tax collector.
Give up 1 extra commodity card
to pay this cheater.
Time passes. You eat and drink.
Give up 2 cards of wine, bread, or oil.
[3 copies of this card]
Time passes and your clothes wear out.
Give up one card of cloth
(if you have any).
(No additional penalty if you are already naked!) [2 copies of this card]
Winter: You must have warm clothes.
This page is
(1975) Rev. 1981
Formatted for the web July 2012.